Tech Classes

Facebook Basics

Learn the basics of Facebook, including setting up an account, friend requests, groups, pages, and privacy. You do not need a Facebook account to attend the class. To create a Facebook account, you need an active and valid email account. Please register below or call 401-247-1920 x2.

Computer Basics

This is a 3-week class on May 11, 18, & 25 at 10 am (90 mins.) Learn how to use a computer, the internet, search engines, and email, as well as tips about internet safety. Registration is required and for all 3 weeks. Class is limited to 6 people. If you choose to bring your laptop, please notify instructor of your computer's operating system.

Computer Basics: Week One (Thursday, May 11)
Provides an introduction to mouse, keyboard, and desktop.

Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram

Learn about these three social media sites, including why each site is popular, how to create accounts, how to share content, how to connect with other users, and how to find help. Visit each site below or download as an app. Please register below or call 401-247-1920 x2.
Twitter is a social networking site where users tweet updates and share content using 140 characters or less.

Digital Storage & the Cloud

Have you heard of the Cloud, but you're not quite sure what that means or where to go to access it?  Take a look at some common cloud applications and learn how easy and convenient cloud computing can be. This is an informational session. You can bring your laptop or media device to class. Please register below or call 401-247-1920 x2.
Co-sponsored by Barrington Senior Center

iPhone & iPad Basics

Learn how to navigate, customize, and be able to use your iPhone and/or iPad in whatever capacity you'd like. Bring your fully-charged device, Apple ID and password, and questions. Registration is required.

Co-sponsored by Barrington Senior Center


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